Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Daycamp 2011

Again, it's been a long time since I posted.  We went to Springfield for Tim's treatment last week and he had a serious reaction this time.  His blood pressure bottomed out and he passed out.  So he is no longer eligible for that medicine.  So today we started a new med and the treatment went perfect!  Hopefully now we will begin to see some results!

I have a few pictures of our daycamp scrapbooking projects today. 

These albums are made from lunch sacks.  I found the video to make them on You Tube, but can't find the exact one now. :(  There are lots of them to choose from.  All we did, though was trim off the rough ends of the bags, fold the bottoms of the bags over and glue them together.  With 4 sets of these we added our paper, made a cover that we shut with 2 lightweight velcro sticky circles, then punched 2 holes in the ends and tied them with a ribbon.
With the bags open you can see that we added tags in some and left others for the kids to put memorabilia in.   

The finished "page" sizes are 5 1/8 x 7 1/8 and the small ones are 5 1/8th x 3 1/4".  To make the cover we cut 2 sheets, one at 12" x 5 1/4" and one at 4" x 5 1/4".  I scored the 12" piece at 7 1/4" and 7 5/8" to fold nicely around the ends of the sacks.  One thing I learned was that textured carstock breaks at the folds!  You need to use regular cardstock for the covers. 

Thanks for coming by, have a great day!

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