Friday, July 1, 2011

Irrisistibly Sweet Blog Award!

How cool is this?  My new blogger friend Kellie over at Kards By Kellie has given me the "Sweet Blogger Award".  And sweet it is!  Just looking at it makes my mouth water!  Thank you so much Kellie, your blog is pretty sweet, too.  I hope you all go over and check out her great work. 

There are a few rules to this award:
1) Send a thank you to the person who nominated you and include their link.
2) To accept this award, answer 7 random facts about yourself.
3) Pass the award on to at least 8 other awesome blog buddies.
So here are 7 things about me:
1) I am a Sunday School teacher for 1-3rd graders
2) My husband and I helped start a Cowboy Church that meets monthly
3)I learned to write shorthand in high school and placed in state competition twice. (and I still use that skill!)
4) I am a secretary at our church and have the PERFECT part-time job!
5) I'm  Dr. Pepper junkie
6) I used to do a LOT of cross-stitch, before I got hooked on paper crafting
7) My wonderful Dad just celebrated his 89th birthday!!!!

And here are 8 more blogger friends who are very deserving of this award:
Purty Papers
Scrappin Navy Wife
Scrapping Runner Creations
Crafting Misfit
Going Buggy
Cricut Mimi
Kreated By Kristie
Scrap Making

I hope you pop over and check out their creativity!  Thanks again for the award Kellie!


I love reading your comments! Thank you for leaving me a note!