Sunday, August 14, 2011

I Won at Birthday Sundaes Challenge Blog!

Last week, after being too busy to get in much computer time, I was trying to catch up on the blogs I follow and see what challenges were going on.  When I looked at the Birthday Sundaes blog, I found that I had won and that night was my last chance to contact them to get the prize!   I was so excited!!!  I imediately emailed them at learned I had won $20 in merchandise from Circle B Enterprises!  I spent a LOT of time looking through her store and picking out stuff.  I didn't want to just use the free gift, I wanted to show my appreciation of her sponsorship by spending around $10 or so in addition to the $20 in free merchandise.  But her prices are so low, I shopped and shopped and shopped!  I got way more stuff than I expected.  Just look at all my goodies!
And in addition to all the things I ordered, Veronica included a couple of "Thank you for your order" items and a coupon for my next order!  WOO HOO!  Head on over to Circle B  and check it out!  Thanks again, Veronica, for your sponsorship and all the great goodies for me to play with!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you are excited about your purchases. Congratulations again and I look forward to seeing what you create with the stash.


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