Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Another Exciting Announcement!

Hello!  I finally get to announce that I've been invited to join the Tuesday Throwdown Design Team!  Another great honor!  My first post with the team will be on the 29th of January.  I'm anxious to get settled in, join in the fun there and get to know more Design Team friends.  Hope you will check out the challenges there, too!  Thank You team, for letting me join in!

The challenge this week is "Frame It" and we are sponsored by My Grafico.   Be sure to head on over to Tuesday Throwdown, check out the creations by Team A, and join in the fun!


  1. Congrats on your new DT spot!! I'm looking forward to seeing your crafty makes and getting to know you!! HUGS :)

  2. Congrats on your new DT post and welcome to the team
    carol x

  3. WTG you...how exciting!! I know you'll do fantastic, and have a ton of fun.


  4. Hi Sarah, finally got her to follow. Love your blog header!


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