Wednesday, July 13, 2016

One Layer at Tuesday Throwdown

Oh boy, I missed it!  I had this post almost ready to go, just needed the sponsor info and I got busy with our Rodeo Bible Camp and didn't get it done!  I apologize to my Tuesday Throwdown team!!!

This week we are sponsored by our own DT sister, Kim Sherrod of 
and our theme this week is One Layer!

I've used 2 digis from Digi Darla Stamps and lightly colored them with Spectrum Noir markers.  I wanted more of a hint of color rather than a "colored" image, so I used all #1 shades in True Blue, Coral, Ice Gray and Pale Pink, and Tan #3 for the branch.

The inside is lined with a pale blue onionskin type paper.  The scripture stamp is from Cardztv and the Congratulations stamp is from Pink By Design.

Thanks for stopping by!  Hope to see you join us!

1 comment:

I love reading your comments! Thank you for leaving me a note!