Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Sticky Note Cover

Hi!  I'd like to share a new project with you.  I bought several of the sticky note pads at Michaels a year or two ago and they've been in my project drawer all that time!  I needed a little gift and decided it's high time to fix one of these.  
This is a different pad than I used in this particular projects, but it's the same style.  I started by trimming the cardboard backing as close to the pads as I could.
My first try I used a piece of a recycled cereal box but once I covered it and lined the inside, it was too thick and stiff.  So this time I just used two layers of cardstock and lined the inside with a patterned paper.

The lady I'm giving this to likes seashells.  I looked and looked for the right paper in my stash and finally found some that a friend had given me.  I cut a seashell from Cricut's Mermaid Party and added that to the corner.  A small strip of white velcro finished it off.  I have some tiny, real seashells that I kind of wanted to add to the flap, but decided that would be too thick and make it less handy to keep in her purse.  I'm pretty satisfied with the end result...I hope she will be, too!  I think I'll try some more of these. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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